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[Debconf-team] Long-term accounting plans


Moray and I have recently been talking about how to do accounting for
debconf, long-term.  Here are my current thoughts.  I'm looking for
feedback - this shouldn't be considered a proposal yet.

Taking care of the past

Go through past records as best I can.  Try to figure out the net
amount received from Debian over the years, the amount returned, and
the current surplus.  Maybe this can't be done completely accurately
without too much effort.  If that is the case, we just do our best.

Then, we find the net DebConf equity over the years: surplus - amount
received from debian.  This may just be a "best guess".

Then, send all accounts to Debian and say "here is all we have, our
net surplus over the years is XXX which we may ask for later".

Year to year plan

If organizers want seed money, they can borrow some of the DebConf
equity from Debian.

Then, organizers that year deal with their budget however they choose.
It can be same accounts, different accounts, whatever works best that
year.  I'm not proposing something specific here.

After the conference, once all expenses are done, send all money back
to Debian.  The DebConf equity with Debian is updated, and books are
finalized.  It may be the case that there is a USD deficit and a EUR
surplus, let Debian act as a buffer that way year-to-year (as much as
it is OK with).

If any expenses come up after the books are closed, Debian handles
them, updating the DebConf equity, if desired.  Or update the

My thoughts with this plan are:
- leave it to Debian auditors to manage things year to year, since
  DebConf turnover leaves that hard here.
- Make a fixed time each year for DebConf books to be closed, since
  otherwise things are forgotten because it lasts too long.
- Assume that DebConf can manage money well short term, while Debian
  is better at managing it long-term.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 607 days, 1:07
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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