Re: [Debconf-team] [fwd: a little help with DebConf11 sponsorship]
>> Many thanks for your work on handling the reimbursements!
>> Cheers.
> Just a quick note for people still waiting the reimbursements from FFIS
> (Europe). My reimbursement arrived today, if yours did not show in your
> account yet, it will probably appear tomorrow or so :)
Or a bit later. Its going out in batches...
bye, Joerg
<Maulkin> ie: are we getting a nice connection? :)
* gwolf silently reads Maulkin's question
<stone-head> netinstall over 56kbps modem
<stockholm> Maulkin: yes, they hope to have drums installed at the hotel
by then so they can communicate with them at 20bit/s
<gwolf> stockholm: Make them _fast_ drums!
<stockholm> ok, 40bit/s
<gwolf> I still have to meet a drummer who can slap at 40hz
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