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[Debconf-team] Spare notebook from last year: How to best use it?


A couple of days ago, Gismo brought to our attention¹ there was an
available HP laptop left over from last year. It is a laptop not
expected/claimed back by HP. So, what can we do with it?

There was a suggestion to give it to somebody needing a laptop during
DebConf, but we could not find a suitable person (of course,
suggestions still open).

I have heard suggestions about a raffle - Although a raffle is
fundamentally fair, I fear the probability points to a laptop that
will end up with somebody who does not really need it...

...So, what would you think about requesting people who have a
justifiable need² to write themselves up in a non-public list, and
later decide between them? The mechanism could be to decide who has a
better reason, or to do a raffle between those that requested it. 

What do you think?

¹ http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20110722.024641.2d400fa4.en.html

² Disclaimer: I expect to put my name in this list, so that
  disqualifies me as a volunteer for the team ;-)

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