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Re: [Debconf-team] Meeting notes, Tuesday 8 February 2011

On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 04:28:15AM -0500, Richard Darst wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 11:29:36PM -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> > Second, on anonimyzing the committee (the herb@ members): Not showing
> > who casted each opinion in Penta is near to trivial (heck, even a
> > small CSS trick would do), although it does not gain us much. If
> > people feel seeing other committee members' opinion (either in general
> > or in particular for a given member) distorts the opinion casted by
> > following members, we can hide it - Still, given this project is based
> I had also thought there was not much point of anonymizing these, but
> you have a good point:

Agreed too on not point in anonymizing.

> Hiding them to help people not be influenced by the previous raters
> sounds like a pretty good idea.  The idea here wouldn't be anonymity,
> just to help people remain unbiased and make independent choices.
> Raters would know that in the final decision, it won't be hidden.

I think this would be a very good idea, my feeling is sometimes people feel
guilty to vote less on a person who already has 3-4 votes with a given
number of points. Or viceversa.
So ideally, you would not see in penta the rating of the people until
everybody in the commitee has rated them. This does not mean you can not
see Develpoer Jane and Developer Joe already rated Developer Bernard,
you just don't see what they voted until the end.


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