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[Debconf-team] Global team meeting, 2010-06-05


We just had a global team meeting.  Minutes/logs are here:

The next global meeting will be SUNDAY June 20th, 19:00.

- Richard

Human summary

* Budget: We aren't in a disastrous situation.  Likely 20 people will
  be told 'no, to, and with even more not reconfirming even better.
  Food costs may be lower than our worst-case plan.  DrDub gave
  updated numbers on fundraising: 65k pledged, perhaps 20k more likely
  from the way it looks now.  (ed: I did some updates with recent
  numbers, and it looks even better)

* Sponsored $tourists: 40 posibilities on the list, 20 expect to be
  said "no" to.

* Scheduling: dkg will head up scheduling for now, both pre- and
  during conference, but will seek others to help, and possibly even
  hand it off.

* "unconference" idea: We agreed on ana's idea of scheduling via a
  wiki the day before, at (for example) 21:00 the night before it gets
  merged into Penta in one big batch.

* Proceedings: Not printed, but sapphire will work on a PDF of them.
  It will start off with titles + abstracts, papers if a speaker wants
  them.  Safir will prod people to fill in abstracts if they need to.

* t-shirts, stuff to be printed, other misc things.  We need to
  compare local prices and customs stuff.  Richard will ask in
  localteam meeting tomorrow.  T-shirt manager decides the colors.

  We'll try for something like mugs for CU staff which help us out, as
  well as shirts/food if they want it.

* reconfirmation reminder?  We'll have one more a day before reconf
  deadline, very short.

* Any other business: proceed with micah's talk proposal

* Next meeting: SUNDAY June 20th, 19:00 UTC.

Action Items
* MrBeige gets numbers from people and mails an updated budget to the
* dkg will post a RFH for scheduling on debconf-team@
* localteam works on list of locations and sizes for banners
* localteam checks local prices for t-shirt printing
* MrBeige makes sure we find a t-shirt manage, will ask local+global
* MrBeige asks localteam tomomorrow to look at printing things like
  mugs and other souviners
* MrBeige works on these emails and who to send to

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 319 days, 17:15
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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