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[Debconf-team] Producing debian.ch T-Shirts for DebConf10 directly in USA

Hi there!

Please redirect me if this is not the correct list.

As usual, debian.ch would like to bring at DC10 some merchandise,
foilstickers and T-Shirts <http://debian.ch/merchandise/>.

At DC8 I personally brought around 30 debian.ch T-Shirts (we did not
have the anarchism model at that time), while for DC9 we send around 60
T-Shirts (both debian.ch and anarchism) by postal mail.

This year, however, I do not think I will be able to bring more than 10
T-Shirts, since I will spend a week in Montréal before DebCamp10 and a
week in Boston after DebConf10, thus I need some personal clothes: I
would see myself in difficulty wearing my Debian kilt for one month
non-stop ;-)

Would it be possible to produce some T-Shirts (probably only the
anarchism model) directly in the USA?  I guess debian.ch could pay for
that without any problem, but Martin, please correct me if I am wrong.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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