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Re: [Debconf-team] DC10: Question for bid teams: comparison with previous venues

Ari Pollak dijo [Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 02:56:10PM -0500]:
> This is from Benjamin Mako Hill, who's not subscribed to the list:
> (...)

Thanks, nice overview...

> Second, the MIT campus is much less spread out than Helsinki. The
> downside is that there won't be as many big open green spaces to play
> soccer or frisbee in, for example. The upside is that nothing will be
> more than a 5 to 10 minute walk away from anything else at MIT.

I can perfectly imaginge H01ger "yay"ing for this no-grass policy. And
yes, you are giving maximum times - I hope/expect that all of the
facilities we would use will be closer together (i.e. 5-10 minutes was
+- the walking distance to the Helsinki auditorium, to the Oaxtepec
tower, to the Edinburgh hostels - which were seen as "far").

> Third, the dining experience will be quite different. We'll have more
> a-la-cart at normal restaurants than at a single cafeteria. Toronto is
> actually a pretty good comparison in this regard although in Toronto there
> was no funded food. I suspect most people will eat "food court" style on
> most days.

How expensive would dishes be in average? IIRC, just for comparison,
food was at ~USD$12 a day (lunch and dinner) in Mexico, and ~USD$20 at
Edinburgh (lunch and dinner as well). Besides DC6 and DC7, we have
always had breakfast covered as well.

> The final comparison, which I think is different from every DebConf
> except maybe Edinburgh, is that we'll be right in the center of
> Cambridge. Boston is a short walk across the river and Central Square
> Cambridge is a 5 minute walk from the venue. We're right near a major
> bus and a subway stop. You can treat that as either access to a major US city
> with lots of attractions or as things to distract from the conference. :)

That's a very nice plus, I'd say!


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