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[Debconf-team] Final report status


At the meeting yesterday, we discussed the status of the final report
for DebConf9:

As you notice, there are many done's on there, which is great.  Here
are the extra things we need:

- Open Day
- Video
- Networking (we have something about wireless, we need something on
  the rest)
- Actual spent-amount numbers from previous conferences - with this we
  can make a better graph of budgets for each conference.  If you have
  information on this or know who to ask, please post some to the

These things are assigned:

- localteam/venue - Anto will get this to me by this weekend
- sponsorship - gunnar gets richard some outline points which richard
  can ghostwrite
- fundraising - steve
- talk selection team - jimmy gets richard some outline points by the
  weekend, and richard ghostwrites
- credits - I'll post something about this soon

With this, we should be at a point that we can start
editing/assembling the report together.  Speaking of which...

Marga: we should decide if we'd rather do a scribus assemblage like
you did last year.  It would be great, but certainly isn't required
since we know you are pretty busy.  If you don't have time, I'll set
up a TeX system using previous years reports.

What does anyone else think?  Would anyone else like to assemble the
report using something other than TeX?  TeX is a simple default but we
can consider other things, too.

Did I miss anything here?  Any other comments?  We're on track for
completion by the end of the year, which is great.

- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 121 days, 12:35
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"

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