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[Debconf-team] Cheese and wine orga details....

Quoting Holger Levsen (holger@layer-acht.org):
> On Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2009, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > The kitchen of *what* ?
> the venue.

AH, good. So the venue has a kitchen. So, actually, yes, it would be
great if it could be secured out that we can use the kitchen's fridge
for storing C&W material, starting from the beginning of Debcamp up to
26th at least.

While I'm at it, does that kitchen have some other material such as
plates/knives/glasses/etc. that we could use. We of course have the
possibility of buying some of these but, by experience, it's always
good to know.

Another thing about all this: I missed that final arrangmenets made
for hosting and conference, so I'm kinda lost. Is the conference (and
hacking) place in the same place than sleeping place? Is it close or
is it "far"?

And, when talking about the right  place to have the C&W: is that
place close to the conference/hacking venue or close to the sleeping
venue (if both are diffeernt, of course). That includes the kitchen
we're talking about.

I'm also wondering about a right place to buy bread...though I'm less
worried for Spain than I was in Scotland (where we ended up grabbing
all "baguettes" in a supermarket at the very last minute).

Sorry to be keeping asking questions but experience shows that details
count for the C&W....and the more we organize *before* the Debconf
starts, the better the party ends up to be..:-)

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