[Debconf-team] Deciding T-shirt numbers
Gaby was on IRC asking about numbers of T-shirts to be printed. We
should save her time by taking it to the list before
Gaby - There aren't the final numbers, just a prompting to get the
decision process started.
Total attendees: 252 reconfirmed now, 6 more with possible after this travel
sponsorship batch plus 20% gives a little bit more than 300.
Volunteers: 12 reconfirmed, but of course we want more than that. How many?
Organizers: someone should count up here:
http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Teams after deciding what the
cutoff is. (I don't need a shirt). It seems to be about 20-22 if all
names are included (however the list isn't completely accurate, some
have left and others have joined...)
Video team: Holger? I thought I heard the number 30...
- Richard
| Richard Darst - rkd@ - lefschetz: up 134 days, 2
| http://rkd.zgib.net - pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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