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[Debconf-team] DebianDay entry for Debian-website


As already mentioned on IRC I think that DebianDay should be listed
separately on http://www.debian.org/events/ (it has a different "target
group" takes place on a different location).

Could someone please adopt the attached wml-template and send it back to me?

Yours sincerely,

<define-tag abbr>DebConf8</define-tag>
<define-tag year>2008</define-tag>
<define-tag pagetitle>Debian Conference</define-tag>
<define-tag where>Mar del Plata, Argentina</define-tag>
<define-tag startdate>2008-08-10</define-tag>
<define-tag enddate>2008-08-16</define-tag>
<define-tag infolink>http://debconf8.debconf.org/</define-tag>
<define-tag coord><a href="mailto:debconf-team@lists.debconf.org";>DebConf Orga Team</a></define-tag>

<define-tag intro>

<p>DebConf is a conference with, by and for Debian Developers,
Maintainers and Contributors. 
Non-developers are quite welcome to attend as well, but are not the
conference's primary audience.</p>

<p>A work camp will be organised in the week before the conference.
This is a chance for developers to work together face to face in
groups and teams.</p>


<define-tag involve>

<p>Presentations about Debian technologies and the Debian project
itself are welcome as well as upcoming and interesting items like the
survival of dropped architectures.</p>

<p>The organization team kindly asks all interested people to register as soon
as possible as attendees, so they can estimate costs and needs early

<p>On the 18th of August will be a special DebianDay for decision makers and for
ordinary people who want to learn more about Debian and about Free Software.
It will be filled with presentations on topics of general interest.


#use wml::debian::event
#Related Links here (free form)
 <li><a href="http://debconf8.debconf.org/";>general DebConf website</a></li>
 <li><a href="http://blog.debconf.org/blog/debconf8/mf_registration.dc";>registration informations</a></li>
 <li><a href="http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf8";>Public wiki for DebConf8</a></li>

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