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Re: [Debconf-team] Registration

On 11045 March 1977, Moray Allan wrote:

> so when people arrive:
> - they show who they are (ask for passport if not recognised)
> - check if they have NSH by their name (i.e. are on the NSH list)
>   - if so, ask if they have money, if not point them at the ATM/banks
>   - they need to pay 12 pounds per night
>   - collect the money.  if they can't pay, send them to the ATM/bank
>   - when they pay, draw in pencil over the NSH by their name, and also
>     write on the separate list that this person has paid so we have a 
>     clear record.
> - check if they are marked as "I need food sponsorship".  if so give
>   them the appropriate food tickets, and draw in pencil over "I need
>   food sponsorship"
> - we give them a badge and draw in pencil over their name on the paper
>   list (allows corrections if mistake made)
> - we don't have bags yet, we'll give them to these people later
> - but for now give them the Edinburgh city tourist brochure (has useful 
>   maps in it)
> - they now have a badge so are allowed into the rest of Teviot

There is a point to add: To allow people to access the wireless from
somewhere tomorrow on they need to have agrred to some set of rules from
the university. We will provide a little application for the
registration desk that does work similar to:

- list of names available. On arrival of person that name gets selected.
- You hand them the wireless ruleset and they acknowledge they got it
  and will follow it. If so you click a checkbox marking it as ok and
  only that will finally allow them to access the network.
- You see a new screen showing the wireless password for the user. Give
  it to them, they should write it down somewhere.

In this interface we will also have a checkbox "arrived". Click it
during this process. Allows us to easily see if someone is there / isnt.

Until this interface is finished simply keep a list of names of people
that arrived written down somewhere, so we can adjust the database when
the interface is there. Same for the wireless stuff. I expect it to be
working around noon, some volunteer is already working on it.

bye Joerg
[...] when an Idea and a developer get laid, code awakes to the world, then
a Debian package is made and pulled in the unstable distribution[...]

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