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[Debconf-team] Travel after debconf in .mx


So, first a bit of context for all of you out there:

17:32:04 <Ganneff> 20:41 <gwolf> Ganneff: I know of many people who will be _very_ glad to do it - starting with my wife :)
17:32:06 <Ganneff> ha, found it.
17:32:26 <gwolf> :) :) :)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:42 <Ganneff> gwolf: ok, she is booked. :)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:42 <gwolf> :)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:42 <Tolimar> :)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:43 <Ganneff> simple thing: 2 weeks after the debconf. Tolimar - does that sound good? :)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:43 <Ganneff> oh, she should search for places where we have net in the evening. :))
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:44 <Tolimar> Ganneff: Sounds like I'll never get my degree ;)
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:44 <Ganneff> Tolimar: i take that as a "its ok".
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:44 <gwolf> Tolimar: Me neither, now shut up and give us your stinking euros.
17:32:32 <Ganneff> 20:45  * Tolimar sighs.
17:32:42 <Ganneff> 20:45 <Tolimar> Seems like I don't have any choice, do I?
17:32:42 <Ganneff> 20:45 <Ganneff> you never had
17:32:42 <Ganneff> 20:45 <gwolf> have you ever had any?
17:32:42 <Ganneff> 20:49 <Tolimar> Uhm.... No?
17:32:50 <Ganneff> good to keep logs forever. ha.
17:33:12 <gwolf> Ok, in the presence of that much evidence I'll count it as said by her ;-)
17:33:28 <gwolf> But still, there will be many people interested in helping you out, for sure.
17:33:35  * Ganneff goes to look for 2 weeks extra .mx. hehe.
17:34:24 <gwolf> That's good :)
17:34:32 <gwolf> What do you like watching/visiting/doing?
17:34:39 <ASCIIGirl> ruins!
17:34:42 <gwolf> what interests you to do for 2 weeks?
17:34:46 <gwolf> ASCIIGirl: There are _tons_ :D
17:34:57 <gwolf> Just go to any poor area of any city ;-0
17:35:01 <Ganneff> so until 5. june
17:35:02 <ASCIIGirl> yes..I know.. :) I want to see ruins...
17:35:30 <gwolf> Ganneff: Save some time to be in Mexico City. The city deserves a couple of days at least

In short: There are plans to travel around in .mx after DebConf6, as
many of us have a long way to go there, so we could use that for more
than only DebConf. :)
If you are interested to join, i started a little wiki page, so we can
keep track of who wants to attend. Its at http://wiki.debian.org/DebConf6Trip.
Right now I intend to be at least 2 weeks longer than Debconf in .mx. Maybe more, but
I roll that dice in the next days. :)

bye Joerg
> Thats all.
> Just a few questions about your package and then we got it and you will
> be in DAMINATION :).
I have no idea what DAMINATION is but it sounds cool. Let's get going.

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