Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf 7 montly meeting - seeking for proper dates
On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 12:47:22PM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> If you would like to contribute to debconf and therefore attend our
> meetings as well but can't make it on Mondays at 19:00 UTC please speak
> up *NOW*!
I resume classes for the upcoming schoolyear on September 5. Starting
then my availability becomes more limited. During US Daylight Saving
Time (now until October 29 and again starting March 11), I am in
timezone UTC-4 and will generally be busy Mon/Wed/Fri 1800-1900 UTC, Tue
1600-1700 UTC, Tue/Thu 1700-2000 UTC, and Mon/Tue 0200-0400 UTC, aside
from school breaks where I might be more available. Between October 29
and March 11, my timezone is UTC-5 and all those times shift later one
hour in UTC (Mon/Wed/Fri 1900-2000 UTC, Tue 1700-1800 UTC, Tue/Thu
1800-2100 UTC, Mon/Tue 0300-0500 UTC). Outside those times, assuming a
normal university-CS-student UTC-4/UTC-5 sleep schedule, most of my
waking hours should be fine with advance notice. I understand this
schedule is somewhat different from the Europeans, but 1900 UTC is right
in the middle of my day and I have classes then. The timezone changes I
mentioned should apply to all of the eastern US, and maybe to some or
all of eastern Canada.
- Jimmy Kaplowitz
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