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Re: T-shirt offer, total a bit over 2300 euros

On Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 11:39:58AM +0300, Aschwin van der Woude wrote:
> Sounds wonderful to me!
> I'll update the budget with this new info.


A few further notes about the T-shirt order that I had to handle on the
phone today while busy with other stuff.

1) The 190 g/m2 orange T-shirts had run out so they needed to change to 150
g/m2 ones. I asked if they have better quality than 190 g/m2 in that color
but they didn't, and orange, red and blue were the only colors where they
had enough both normal shirts and lady-fits within the same color. So I said
we'll accept 150 g/m2 for those. It's only 9 shirts out of 300 in the total

2) They called me and said that the gray shade of the map on the front
wouldn't look very good with dithering. (If they'd use real gray I guess
that would be a third color in addition to white and black, be more
difficult to print and raise the price - the offer I asked was for a
two-color printing in the front and one color in the back.) They suggested
changing the shade to black and said it should look pretty good that way. I
should have sent email on the list and ask your opinion but was busy with
other things and forgot to do it later. So I hope this is okay too.

3) They also said that some of the logos in the back weren't very good
quality, apparently bitmap versions. Said that they can work on it a bit to
make them look better (perhaps vectorize from the bitmap?). Anyway, sounded
like they know what they were doing so I said thank you, go ahead.

4) They'll start printing the shirts apparently on Sunday. They'll call me
when they start so that we can have someone to go and take a look that the
few first shirts are okay (before printing 300 of them). That was actually
my request so that we can be a bit more confident that the result will be

5) They prefer sending an invoice for the payment (instead of cash or card
on spot), so whoever will go to pick up the shirts on Monday will need the
billing address.

Despite the tight schedule and these minor setbacks I think we'll eventually
get nice shirts - at least I hope so. ;)


Arto Teräs <ajt@iki.fi> --- See http://ajt.iki.fi for contact info

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