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Re: intel

On Wed, 2005-04-27 at 12:15 +0300, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> ke, 2005-04-27 kello 09:07 +0300, Fabian Fagerholm kirjoitti:
> > They will probably be too loose a group to get everyone to register in
> > comas, and the final list of people will be confirmed quite late, but
> > how much slack do we have in the number of people eating during debconf?
> Are we talking about a couple of people per day, or twenty people per
> day?

I'm afraid I can't answer that yet. It depends on who will be available
and what kind of a video setup we can manage to put together. Not to
mention what we want to do.

For example, if we settle for only videoing the talks, then we can't
justify more than perhaps two people per talk. If we manage to set up
real-time video streams, then we need a full crew to go with it. An even
bigger crew is required if we want to do something more fancy than just
videoing the talks.

If I interpret you correctly, a reasonable number of people, say at most
twenty for the real-time needs and less for the record-only option, is
ok? I'll return to this and get a final confirmation when there is more
information on the size of the crew.

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe@paniq.net>

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