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Re: debconf6 video and infrastructure wishlist and notes

> > b) The slides still work, but instead of your effect, you just see the
> >    new slide
> if i remember correctly it is not the "fancy effect" but rather
> "next bullet point of n become visible". that is a very common
> thing to do and not trying to impress someone. or does that work by
> now in free viewers?

Well, it works already in free viewers. At least latex-beamer "cheats"
on this by creating a new page each time a new bullet is to be

You end up with a PDF file with tons of pages but it works....we used
this for the D-I talk at Debconf5.

I agree with your advice. Some effects are not just "fancy to be
fancy". Having bulletized pages which you can display one at a time is
a very common way to keep the audience attention focused....and
everyone will agree that this is one of the most difficult tasks in a
Debconf talk (unles you manage to remotely shutdown wireless which is
also a very good way to achive the same goal).

While talking about nice features of presentation software, one that I
personnally am missing in xpdf is the possibility to display pages by
mouse clicks (left to go forward, right for backwards). This, combined
with a wireless mouse, allows for a cheap "remote control" for
advancing slides and avoids the talker to be stucked at his laptop.

/me notes to report this as a wishlist for xpdf..:-)

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