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questions and results from the video irc meeting


currently we are six people, plus three volunteers, preparing the video 
capture of debconf5. We definitly need more volunteers as we'll have at least 
16 events to cover and would like work in 4 teams: video, audio, editing and 

Our priorities are (order by priority, b+c+d are completly optional):

a.) capture all 14 talks of debconf, plus debianday plus the speech preceding 
the formal dinner - distribute them shortly after the talk
b.) stream live (internal and external)
c.) add slides to the video (either live or in post-processing)
d.) create a nice debconf5 movie

I didn't remember whether we'll get a two or four cpu machine from intel 
(x86?) - Andreas, can you please comment on this ?! Is this the same machine 
as the one that holds the big storage capacity ? Or is this another machine ? 
Intel also lends three Toshiba Satelite notebooks with firewire to us. These 
machines will be available from july 1st til the end ?

Toresbe will bring his amd64 with 2800mhz (how much memory?) which will be 
available from july 2nd til the end. 

At the moment I also would like to request 3 pegasos2 boxes (for streaming, 
compression, converting formats). If we don't need them, as our servers are 
powerfull enough, we'll release them.

According to the wiki we'll have a dedicated video room located in the 
basement of one of the dorm buildings. Is this sensible or would the smökki 
be a better place ? 

Where will the storage server be located ? 
Where will the gigabit switch be located ?
Do we have a dedicated (for video, not for debconf as well) 100mbit connection 
between the CSD/auditoriums and that dorm building ?
Do we have a dedicated (for video, not for debconf as well) 100mbit connection 
between the CSD/auditoriums and smökki ?

How's the audio/mic situation in the small auditorium ? 
What kind of audio connectors are used in the main auditorium (and in the 
small, if there are any...) ?

Currently we don't have a hardware audio mixer - which would greatly help us 
with audio quality. Does anybody have one and can lend us ? Don't we need 
two, one for the big and one for the small auditorium ?

We haven't finally settled on the codecs we'll use yet. Most likely we'll 
provide theora and mpeg1 video files/streams and ogg vorbis audio 
files/streams. mpeg1 is around 200mb/hour.

Also we haven't finally settled on the video tool we use, it will be either 
flumotion or ffmpeg.

Martin, after you had to leave the meeting the following flumotion questions 
were raised:
- can flumotion and dvgrab be used simultaniously ?
- does flumotion support mpeg1 ?
- does flumotion work well with many flumotion servers ?
- is flumotion suited to serve directly to "the internet" ?

"The big fat pipe" which will serve the videos to the outside world will be 
located on the HUTs student network. That's all we know about that 
currently :-( How will we have access to it, how is it connected to our 
network, how be able to transfer the files/streams to that machine ?
We would like to use it to serve (big) files, stream the streams and seed the 
bittorents from it as well. 

For bittorents we'll also need a machine acting as a tracker for the torrent 
files - me thinks it would be best to use another machine for it, one that is 
permanently (i.e. also after debconf) under our control. What do you think ?

Last but not least we need to inform the speakers about some requirements to 
achieve the best possible capture of the event. Maybe (we're working on this) 
we'll find a way to capture live-demos (x11 sessions and the like) with vnc - 
if we do, we also need to tell the speakers about this.


P.S.: this mail is based on notes I took during yesterday's irc meeting. 

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