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Re: draft: generic sponsorship offer for debconf5 in Helsinki

Except for typos and spelling mistakes, this sounds good to me. Below is
the text with some of the mistakes corrected.

- - -

The official part of DebConf5 will take place from the 9/10th to the
16/17th of July in Helsinki, Finland. (It is preceded by an inofficial
hack camp.)

To be able to plan and budget for this better than in previous
years we ask for people who need travel support a bit earlier,
like 9 month in advance. This is done so that we might take
advance of better flight prices and special offers you can find.

Are you interested to attend DebConf5, but can't afford the entire
trip and/or the stay? Are you working on any aspect of Debian?
Then please contact me in private mail and list

- the area you work on within Debian
- the approximate travel costs, if booked well in advance
  (accomodation and food is taken care of)
- how much of that costs are you able to pay yourself
- your name and contact info

We, the DebConf5 organizers together with the DPL, will apply
some common sense and fuzzy-logic filters and match the incoming
requests against our vague idea of how the budget will look like
and come back to you for further planning and information.

We will try to handle this process in a semi-open way, since many
are not compfortable about sharing travel dates and intentions
publicly and might feel that their financial make up is a private
issue. the "open" part about this will be that the decisions
about sponsorship won't be drawn by lot or decided on arbitrarily
but according to our general consensus.

General registration is not open until after Christmas.

To unsubscribe, send mail to debconf5-team-unsubscribe@lists.debconf.org.

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