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Re: [Debconf-discuss] MiniDebConf in April/May 2018 in Hamburg

Antonio Terceiro dijo [Fri, Sep 01, 2017 at 11:35:08AM -0300]:
> > actually, this is also true the opposite way: having them close together will
> > allow some people to attend both…)
> > 
> > and anyway: I think we should have more Debian events, not less! :-)
> Yes, this!
> When Holger announced the possible MiniDebconf in Hamburg around
> April/May, people here in Brazil were concerned about the MiniDebconf we
> want to hold in Curitiba in March, even though the two cities are 10,000
> km apart! :-)
> That IMO is the wrong attitude, as long as there are people with
> motivation and time to organize, there should be a MiniDebconf or any
> other Debian event every week somewhere in the world.


It is important we have only one major, full-fledged DebConf. Many
years ago, we discussed whether we would like to have more than one
DebConf every year, held for geographically-distant communities. I am
very happy we didn't, because I would be stuck in the American
DebConf, maybe sometimes visiting the European one, and most probably
would not come to know people in the East Asian one. It would amount
to *much* less than what we have now.

But MiniDebConfs and similar events are not meant to be universal, to
attract Everybody who is Into Debian. Of course, I expect that if,
say, SunCamp was May 3-7 and MiniDebConfHamburg was May 10-16, few
people would attend both. So what? They will be of very different
character. Both should attract people mainly from their geographic
vicinity (that means, sadly for me, Europe)... and people will choose
where to spend some of their geeky vacation time.

And, yes, some people will be frustrated because they cannot be to
both. Well, life is full of choices. Do you want the lovely, innocent
charm of an industrial, North German city? Do you prefer the sun and
heat of the Mediterranean Country-to-be-determined beach enough to pay
€50 per night? Different use cases, different answers. Y'know, I
happen to know some people who don't like i3, and I'm even friends
with some of them.

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