[Debconf-discuss] ...
I'm sick and saddened to read these mails and will not participate in any
further of this.
Also, I cannot stop thinking "gigantic bikeshedding (mostly from people who
never build one). And based on rumors of what the bikeshed is supposed to
look, while not listening to the people who actually have seen this and other
possible construction sites." - but sadly, DebConf is not a bikeshed (its
slightly more complicated than that, cough) and Switzerland is not an easy
place to hold a DebConf. Which we knew and took into consideration. Now
basically claiming we are stupid is not only borderline insulting. But keep
on... the greatest possible low has not yet been reached. We surely can do
worse than this!
(And I'm not saying/thinking/wanting to imply every concern is equal to claim
we are stupid. By far not.)
And, think what you want, you'll do this anyway.
P.S.: and about the accomodation post from Joss: a.) those are _not_ balanced
examples for Le Camp, Le Camp is actually a pretty nice place compared to eg a
youth hostel. (It's not a 4 star hotel though.) b.) you havent seen the you
youth hostel (and its tent village (and the showers there...!)) of our
"alternative" in Interlaken, have you? and c.) are you aware that another
alternative were/are bomb shelters? Switzerland is ridiculous expensive,
that's *why* we choose Le Camp and why we did this so early.
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