Re: [Debconf-discuss] Debian Merchandise BoF?
To my Swiss friends:
> Moreover, since will also produce quite soon a Debian (not
> Swiss army knife (Victorinox, not Wenger), it would be a
> idea to discuss about which type of knife people would prefer:
Many years ago, for the 25th anniversary of the Swiss Unix User's Group,
I was given a very nice knife with their logo on it. I have been afraid
to carry it on my person because (as someone who is continuously on a
plane) I would forget to put it in my checked luggage and have to either
mail it home (and often I do not have time to do this) or throw it away.
Therefore, despite the lack of functionality that occurs with not having
blades, scissors and other things, I suggest this version:
then again, in ten years you may look back and say "only 4 GB on the quaint."
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