[Debconf-discuss] Cacert Meeting assurance
If you wish to participate, you need to sign up at http://cacert.org *before* the event. You have to bring at _least_ one piece of official identification to the event, two is better. You also need to fill out a bunch of the WoT forms (https://www.cacert.org/cap.php) -- three will do for a start.
I will leave some blank forms in the deskfront.
Time: 15:30- 16:30
Date: Day 5
Place: Bof Room.
Hector Colina. Linux counter id 131637
Debian user, aka e1th0r
Mérida-Venezuela http://e1th0r.gulmer.org.ve
Key fingerprint = E402 A12E 7CF5 F646 E794 1083 F467 0813 7184 DFC9
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