[Debconf-discuss] Smokers: Expected behaviour
Dear fellow smokers and addicts alike,
I am very sorry to announce that smoking is NOT allowed anywhere
in the venue, including outdoor premises and surrounding gardens. You
will see a non-smoking sign at the venue gate itself. This is beacuse
the venue belongs to the University. But...
The good news is the enviroment is very relaxed, so we are being
allowed to smoke right outside the venue, inside the garden, as long as
no cigarrette butts are found. And that means NOT one butt, or we will
be made to smoke ouside the venue premises.
So if you see somebodyelse's butt on the floor, do pick it up!
Even if it is not yours.
The cleaner we are in this regard, the merrier we will be!
I thank you all in advance, as we have not had issues with smokers in
previous Debconfs, I expect this not to be an issue :)
·''`. If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody,
: :' : come sit next to me - Alice Roosevelt Longworth
`. `'
`- Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux
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