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[Debconf-discuss] Cheese party

Well, we're now 1 month ahead from DebConf and its most important
event apart from the DPL talk: the Cheese&Wine party.

Since Debconf 5 and an informal gathering in the French room, it
always turned out to be a good success. I expect this one to not be
an exception, of course.

The event is simple: folks bring cheese and wine, mostly. We arrange
this on tables and everybody enjoys and shares.

In short: "bring eatable and drinkable stuff and enjoy". In the past
we had:

- pâté from Toulouse
- mozarella di buffala
- Modena's vinegar
- chilly wine from Australia
- SA-KÉ...from China
- boulette d'Avesnes
- dozens of French cheese
- Oregon wine
- Chile wine
- Italian wine
- Bordeaux wine
- Sancerre wine
- pepperoncini farciti
- mortadella
- and dozens of things that are worth being drinked or eaten...

...none of which left at the end (except maybe a few tons of Danish
cheese that are still rotting in an Edinburgh hostel's fridge).

I'm not sure whether there is a need to organize things more that this
or not. If someone feels like setting up a wiki page, feel free to do
it. Otherwise, people attending DebConf should at least just think
about what they'll be bringing there..:-)

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