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Re: [Debconf-discuss] Borges and Buenos Aires

Resending because I accidentally sent this off-list...

* Krishnamurti Nunes <krishnalelis@gmail.com> [2008:08:11 15:16 -0300]: 
> I intend to buy all what I can find by Borges, Cortázar and whatever I 
> get by García Márquez in spanish.
> Tips welcome too!

I'm not sure about used, old, or first edition books, but El Ateneo (the
big one in Recoleta on Av. Santa Fe) has a great collection of local
authors -- the poetry section in particular is really fun and there are
a lot of authors who've probably never been translated into English.
Besides, it's basically the most beautiful bookstore on earth, so
everyone should visit it if they're in BA at some point:


BTW, most of the bookstores I visited in BA had a section for local
authors and a few had sections devoted especially to Borges and I
definitely saw some things from him that I hadn't seen in English, so it
ought to be pretty easy to find some fun and unusual things. As an
aside, there is also a Borges cultural center -- which is sort of like a
gallery for local artists -- located in a mall on Florida & Cordoba(?)
which is awesome. They're currently displaying some incredible Luis
Frangella art too. It's definitely worth a visit.

off the chain like a rebellious guanine nucleotide

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