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[Debconf-discuss] DebConf resources for upcoming bids


as you all know DebConf now has some nice hardware resources running
all the various services we offer. And we also have a .debconf.net
domain, which we could make use of (kindly sponsored by Gandi.net).

So, how about us using those resources not only for the upcoming
DebConf, where the location is already decided, but also for the bids?
We can easily offer the future (possible) teams with webspace,
mailinglists, basically whatever they need. Advantage would be that it is
all behind one common namespace and that we can have it up even if the
bid is closed (and the localteam *may* wander away). Also it would be
easier to make it the official page for the then-decided location, if
its already hosted by us.

For that we could simply use parts of debconf.net, so for the just
finished DebConf8 bid it would have been dc8-ar.debconf.net and
dc8-ve.debconf.net. For future bids it would be like dc9-de.debconf.net,
dc10-jp.debconf.net, and so on.

Comments? I intend to post something similar to this to d-d-a (or maybe
debian-project?), so those who may plan a future bid know of it.

bye Joerg
<Fubak>  /msg NickServ IDENTIFY arschloch
<codebreaker>  /msg nickserv ghost Fubak arschloch
-!- Fubak has quit [Nick collision from services.]

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