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[Debconf-discuss] The return of the revenge of the son of the mugshots, director's cut, part II

The mugshots gallery[1] is now up to 179 pictures (with a few people
duplicated, which I'll do something about eventually). I am not entirely
sure how many people are attending Debconf this year, but I think we've
got most people in there already. Many thanks to Noèl Köthe who's helped
me with the ambushes after lunch.

Anyone missing from the mugshot gallery who still wishes to participate
should come and find me[2] somewhere. I'm often in one of the hacklabs.

[1] https://gallery.debconf.org/Mugshots
[2] https://gallery.debconf.org/Mugshots/CIMG0134

Happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat. -- Notting Hill

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