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Re: keysigning with no printout?

On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 09:03:32AM -0700, Blars Blarson wrote:
> What are those of us who left before the "print this before you leave"
> mail was sent for the keysigning?

The printout isn't really crucially important; it could as well contain
just the names.

What you _really_ need to do beforehand:
* Download the file.
* Compute the checksums.
* Verify that your fingerprint as it is in the file is, indeed, the
  fingerprint of your key.
* Bring a list of names, and the checksums as you computed them. Since
  the file is written in the correct format, you could use that one.

On the keysigning party itself:
* Someone will read the checksums aloud. Verify that you have the exact
  same checksums (If you don't, you're out of luck...)
* Next, we'll line up so that everyone will have a chance to meet up
  with someone else.
* Show your proof of ID
* Say something akin to 'yes, my fingerprint as it is listed in the
  file of which the checksums were just read is correct -- and yes, I
  have the same checksums'
* The other person will testify similarly. After hearing that and
  verifying his ID, wheck his or her name on your list of names.
* Move on to the next person.

That's the whole story, really.

The amount of time between slipping on the peel and landing on the
pavement is precisely one bananosecond

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