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Re: bringing some sort of drinks to debconf

Jacobo Tarrio wrote:
O Mércores,  8 de Xuño de 2005 ás 16:22:40 +0200, Javier Candeira escribía:

Orujo distilled herbal alcohol,
If anyone is to take augardente de herbas, it'll be me, if only for
geographical reasons ;-)

Well, look at my surname, but yes, YOU WIN!

 But we can do something else. I don't drink any alcohol, so I don't bring
anything, but you bring plenty of aguardiente and we prepare queimada ;-)

You bring it. I loathe the stuff, but if this is going to become a pissing contest as to who brings the most undrinkable dreck, you have a chance to win big.

-- javier

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