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Bid page feedback

Bad connectivity, so I have to resort to e-mail as editing the wiki
page is just not possible.

Overall, it looks good and I think you guys managed to create quite
a convincing bid, especially given the short(er) amount of time you
had. Congratulations! I'd assume that the coming "discussion period"
will bring some good feedback, but also allow you to polish certain
aspects even more.

I would also make sure to compare with Montreal to see if there are
any obvious things we forgot.

Here are a few points to address:

1. Location/Transport — this is very unclear. Is UCT ChemEng 16
   minutes from the city centre, or one hour? I believe the second
   might be about the airport?

2. How many en-suite bathroom options are there for UCT? How far
   further are they away?

3. Are there hotels nearby?

4. Is 6–16th July fixed? This will be very very tight. Would we be
   able to start video setup 3 days before? In general, I would
   quote a larger time span and display as much flexibility as
   possible at this stage.

5. What does "winter" mean? What climate can be expected? This may
   be a weak point to be listed above (e.g. if it's expected to rain
   a lot and we are not all in one location).

6. Can we include some information on the possibility of having
   DebConf in March/April, e.g. Easter holidays, when weather is
   nicer and Cape Town more attractive?

7. Plenaries in adjacent buildings are not really a problem, IMHO.
   Good to point out though.

8. Under "Power", you write "the plan is…". I think it's better to
   write "One way to address this could be through buying…". Minor
   point, but DebConf does not like it if a bid comes with too many
   "plans" from the start.

9. I think the venue pages could really do with a few photos. Any
   chance you guys can get this done? Right now, the amount of text
   is oppressing, if you know what I mean.

10. Add a note about languages spoken and how easy it is for
    foreigners to get around the country and town. And about smoking
    regulations, to the main page.

11. It would be useful to add a bit of travel information, e.g.
    which airports have direct connections, how expensive flights
    are going to be approximately, and how the venue can be reached
    from the airport.

12. Is there a link to the visa travel information you could

13. In general, I think a tabular overview of the conference room
    options would be helpful.

14. What prices are we looking at at the local UCT pub?

15. What happens if people bring their own alcohol to the venue?
    What about food in general?

16. What's there to do during free time, especially if the weather
    is bad? We'll have laptops and stuff, but some breaks would be
    good. E.g. table tennis, karaoke, whatever…

17. Have you considered child care? This is a novel subject, but
    I think it'll become more and more popular and standard. What
    would be the options?

I think that is all. I will be offline now most of the time until
tomorrow night, but I'll try to come online every now and then if
there are questions I can help with. In case of urgency, text

Good luck, folks!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"das internet wurde konzipiert, um einem atomschlag standzuhalten.
 leider hatte kein militärstratege mit der deutschen telekom
                                                      -- attila radnai

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