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Get your key material in shape for the DebConf24 Continuous Key-Signing Party!

🎉🥳🤡🎂🍥 Yay, party!  🎉🥳🤡🎂🍥
🎉🥳🤡🎂🍥 Yay, crypto! 🎉🥳🤡🎂🍥

We are getting nearer and nearer to DebConf24. I know some Debianers
have already set foot in Korea, and many of us are eagerly waiting for
the right day to arrive (if everything goes as scheduled, I'll be
joining the happy crowd in Busan by July 23rd)

As most of you know, an important part that binds Debian together is
our cryptographic identity assurance, and that is in good measure
tightened by the _Continuous Key-Signing Parties_ we hold at DebConfs
and other Debian and Free Software gatherings.

As I have done during (most of) the past DebConfs, I am preparing a
set of pseudo-social maps to help you find where you are in the
OpenPGP mesh of our conference. Naturally, Web-of-Trust maps should be
user-centered, so find your own at:


Please do note that:

 ① This is still a _preliminary_ list. Some people will fix details in
   their data before DebConf. Do not rush to calculate the hash for
   the list of participants yet (I will tell you when I mark it as

 ② Is your key not present in the listing? Make sure that:

   ⅰ You have uploaded your public key certificate to a keyserver. If
     you don't know which one to choose, I suggest to do so to one
     that belongs to the keyserver network, such as <a

   ⅱ Make sure your _full fingerprint_ (40 hexadecimal digits) is
     registered in the "Personal Information" tab of Wafer (the
     DebConf24 registration/information Website), at:


 ③ Are you _not_ going to attend and want your fingerprint removed
   from the listing? Enter the URL mentioned above and remove your
   fingerprint from your personal data. Next generation I run, I won't
   include your key.

 ④ Do you have any question or request on how you appear in the
   listing? Is your name in any way b0rken? please write directly to
   me and I'll fix it.

Any further questions? Don't hesitate to ask, either in private or to
the list, depending on the nature of your request 😉

See you soon!

    - Gunnar Wolf,
      Your friendly crypto party coordinator

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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