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debconf-announce moved to lists.debian.org


if you received that mail I successfully moved the debconf-announce list
to lists.debian.org. That means it isn't hosted by mailman anymore, but by
smartmail - please check our docs on how to manage yourself [1]. The
posting address is now debconf-announce@lists.debian.org and the list is hosted
at https://lists.debian.org/debconf-announce/.

We will establish an alias from the old posting address to the new asap, but
please update any docs to the new address.

Posting to debconf-announce is only allowed by signed mail from one being in one of 
the following keyring:

- Debian Developer
- Debian Maintainer
- Non Uploading Maintainer

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask via
listmaster@lists.debian.org or #debian-lists@oftc.

Alex - Listmaster of the day

[1] https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/

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