DebConf10 Registration Reminder ------------------------------- Registration continues for DebConf10. Thursday 15 April is the early registration deadline. Registrations after that date will not be eligible for sponsored food, accommodation or travel. To register follow one of the processes outlined below: -- If you registered for DebConf7, DebConf8, or DebConf9, log in at -- If you did not register for any of the past three DebConfs you need a new account in the conference management system. First go to and create an account. After visiting the activation URL sent to you by email, log in at After logging in ---------------- After logging in, please fill in at least the 'General', 'Contact' and 'Travel' tabs reachable through the 'Registration details' button on the bar on the left of the page. Please pay special attention to the 'DebConf' and 'DebCamp' boxes on the 'General' tab. You need to select at least the "I want to attend this conference" checkbox or your registration won't be valid. Note to users who have an account from previous years: We did our best to make sure you do not have to re-enter all your personal data again, just the conference-specific changes. But please check carefully whether the data kept from your previous registration is still valid, and update it if appropriate. After making changes in the conference management system, please reload the page from the server to check that your changes were properly recorded -- a few attendees have had trouble with certain web browsers not uploading the data they had entered. Further Information ------------------- DebConf10 main site: Original registration announcement: Call for Papers: About DebConf ------------- DebConf is the Debian Project's developer conference. In addition to a full schedule of technical, social and policy talks, DebConf provides an opportunity for developers, contributors and other interested people to meet in person and work together more closely. It has taken place annually since 2000 in locations as varied as Canada, Finland, Mexico, Scotland, and Argentina. DebConf10 will take place in New York City from Sunday August 1st through Saturday August 7th. DebConf will be preceded by DebCamp, from Sunday July 25th through Saturday July 31st. DebCamp is a smaller, less formal event intended for group work on Debian projects. If you are interested in helping by working as a volunteer during DebConf, please contact If you or your company are interested in sponsoring DebConf by donating money or lending equipment, please contact the sponsorship team at More information about DebConf9 can be found on the conference website: About Debian ------------ The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who volunteer their time and effort in order to produce an excellent free, cross-platform operating system. More information about Debian is available at About New York City ------------------- New York City is the most populous city in the United States. It spans five counties and is the seat of the New York metropolitan area, one of the most populous urban areas in the world. A leading global city, New York is a center of worldwide commerce, finance, culture, fashion, entertainment, international affairs. For more information please see
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