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[Debconf-announce] Regarding the bus connection from EZE to MDQ


This message is for those people that will be arriving at "Ministro
Pistarini" (aka Ezeiza) airport, and want to go directly to Mar del Plata
by bus.  If you are staying in Buenos Aires before heading to Mar del
Plata, ignore this.

The company that provides buses connecting EZE and MDQ is called "Manuel
Tienda Leon", they have 8 frequencies per day, and for the days when few
people arrive, this is fine.  However, for the days where most people
arrive (the 9th and 10th) they need to add frequencies, or they won't be
able to carry everyone.

For this to be arranged, you need to ask for a place in one of their buses, so
that they know when they should either make their buses bigger, or add
another bus.

So, here's an example mail for you to send.  If you haven't reserved your
place yet, please send this mail (filling in your data) to
reservas@tiendaleonmdq.com ASAP.


Subject: Reserva para Mar del Plata, día <insert your arrival date>


Mi nombre es <insert your name here>, llegaré al aeropuerto de Ezeiza el
día <insert your arrival date>, a las <insert your arrival hour>, en el
vuelo <insert your flight code and number>.  Quisiera reservar un lugar en
el bus correspondiente, para ir a Mar del Plata.

Muchas Gracias.

<your name>


You should receive a confirmation of your reservation, and print that.

Please do this.  I've already warned the bus company about our numbers, but
I cannot make the reservations for each of you.  Please, copy this example
mail and send it to them

If you have any questions, you can mail me, debconf-discuss, or ask on irc.
Please, do not delay this.

	Margarita Manterola
	DebConf8 Organization

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