One of the traditions that has sprouted with each Debconf is taking a day to learn more about our hosting country and spend with other developers for recreation and socialization. We've had many successful DayTrips and have decided upon another trip that is bound to be equally as successful as others have in the past. As wonderful and glorious as Edinburgh is in its antiquity, it's not all of Scotland - and there's so much more to see that it was difficult to decide how to fit enough of this beautiful country into one day. The Isle of Bute [0] promises to offer most of what we wish to share of Scotland, that we don't believe you'll find in other countries. You've come several hundred to thousands of kilometers, and you deserve to see what this country can show off! A very scenic train ride will get us to Glasgow, and another scenic train ride will bring us to the port where we will catch a ferry to get to the island. On the island, we'll see the southern tip of the Highlands, a gorgeous coastal view and an old castle for us to visit as well as a small town for shopping and eating pleasures. There are only 2 downsides. We have no sponsorship for this (yet, if someone is willing to throw some sponsorship money at us for this trip, the entire orga team and those who would enjoy the trip would be much appreciative), which means all costs must come out of pocket. The cost is about 20 pounds. I hope to get this cost down with an attempt at convincing travel people that our group is large and thus perhaps earning a discount of sorts. It's entire possible we can get the cost down if enough people are interested, so I would like a headcount of people interested. Shoot an email back to me if you're interested - and let me know what your cost prohibitions are. The other downside is the travel time is about 3 hours to reach the coast, and 3 hours back. The scenery is amazing along the route, and thus, should prove to be relaxing and offer time for off-line hacking (if you are so inclined), perhaps a mysterious card game that cannot be named, or even just relaxing/napping for awhile. This travel time does make it an entire day trip, but it'll be well worth it. In summary: train trip to the west coast; ferry trip to Bute Isle; visit the town, the castle and enjoy the scenery and each other. Cost is about 20 pounds for travel. I'm very excited about this trip, and I hope you all are, too. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks, all! Patty [0] -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Patty Langasek ---------------------------------------------------------- At times, you may end up far away from home; you may not be sure of where you belong, anymore. But home is always there... because home is not a place. It's wherever your passion takes you. --- J. Michael Straczynski
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