EASe CD Newsletter May-June, 2011 - Free EASe CD announcement:
Since 1995, it has been the policy of Vision Audio Inc. to donate a free Electronic Auditory Stimulation effect (EASe) CD to any non-profit organization that treats brain-injured children. Since that time we have helped many thousands of children through parent groups, churches, schools and other non-profit lending libraries. With almost 100,000 EASe CDs in circulation, the EASe program is one of the largest of its kind in the world. However, there are still children who could benefit from EASe technology, but do not have it available to them.
Now we would like to address this problem by offering a free EASe music CD to anyone important in the life of any brain-injured child. The Free EASe CD is a fully functional, 38 minute EASe sampler assembled from one song of each of the ten EASe CDs.
From day one, it has been our mission to assist parents, teachers and therapists with powerful, cost effective tools to help brain-injured children learn to cope with their environment. Vision Audio Inc. was the first company to develop a disc based auditory integration listening program in 1995. In 2007 we began to develop EASe video games designed to help children learn to cope with noise as well as improve balance and proprioception by challenging the visual, vestibular and auditory triad that is the core of our ability to sense our position in space.
There is also a free downloadable demo of the EASe Funhouse Treasure Hunt game on the same www.easecd.com web site.
Parents, teachers or therapists who are curious about Electronic Auditory Stimulation or Auditory Integration Training (AIT), can quickly and easily download and use the Free EASe CD or the Free EASe Funhouse game with their child. There is a wealth of information in the EASe Overview, EASe FAQ’s and EASe Instructions at www.easecd.com. Here one can learn how to best help brain-injured children using EASe music and games.
Kimberlee Wing, OTR/L and owner of Pediatric Development Center of Atlanta said, “I began using the EASe CD’s with the children I work with and saw unbelievable gains in motor planning ability, organization, taking a risk with motor tasks they never would have done before, and social skills”.
How To:
1.Click on the Free EASe CD link above to go to www.easecd.com 2.Click on the Free EASe CD link to download the .zip file of the CD and then click Save to save the file. 3.Double click the zipped file to unpack the file into ten .wav music files, ready to use in a computer or to be burned to CD format.
Since 1995, Vision Audio Inc., 611 Anchor Drive, Joppa, Maryland, has created therapeutic audio CDs and PC video games to assist children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, ADD, ADHD, Down Syndrome and other neurological conditions, learn to cope with noise and sensory processing issues. The EASe CD series is now used worldwide by tens of thousands of families as well as thousands of sensory integration, physical and occupational therapists, school systems and organizations to treat brain-injured children.
Phone 410-679-1605. Web http://www.easecd.com email bill@vision-audio.com
The Free EASe CD is the property of Vision Audio Inc. © 2011. You may not distribute or duplicate it for distribution. You may however tell all your friends and associates that they can download it for free themselves. This press release is not spam. Our research indicates that you are or have been involved with the treatment of autism and may be vitally important in the life of one or many autistic children. If we have included you in this mailing in error, please forgive our intrusion and click unsubscribe@vision-audio.com |