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Re: Problems mounting DVD-RWs written with growisofs

I got problems mouting DVD-RWs written with

growisofs -Z /dev/sr2 .

in the same dvd-burner-device it was burned with.

Mount says:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/dvdwriter2,
       or too many mounted file systems

In contrary to cdrecord, growisofs does not implement "multi-border"

Yes, it does! Virgin and fully blanked DVD-RW media are written in compliant multi-border manner! DVD-R[W] multi-border support was there from day DVD-R[W] support was added to growisofs, along with Restricted Overwrite DVD-RW support.

but uses some dirty tricks to pretend multi-session.

It should read "but uses *in my opinion* some dirty tricks," because that's what it is: *Joerg's* opinion. A.

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