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Vote online to legalize marijuana

 Dear Citizen,
Please Visit http://www.profunktion.com and Vote to legalize Marijuana

We are an independent group working to establish concensus on this
matter through internet polling and online marketing using open source
technology and time.  We hope you will take a few minutes of your time
to fill out our survey.  Each question is juxtaposed with logical
alternatives, however striking, it is no longer acceptable to ignore
the suffering on account of this legal and political debacle.

Thank you for your time,

Anson Parker,
Public Relations Director

ps - no reply is necessary.  You will not be contacted again by
Profunktion.com. If you do not wish to participate in this vote please
delete and disregard this email, no further action is necessary.  We
apologize for any inconvenience.  This is a public service
announcement, courtesy of Profunktion.com pro-active polling.  Take
care and have a great day.

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