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Re: How to burn DVD to multiple drives?

> mkisofs -o some_file .....
> cdrecord dev=1,2,0 -dao -v some_file &
> cdrecord dev=1,3,0 -dao -v some_file &
> cdrecord dev=2,0,0 -dao -v some_file &

That's the obvious, but has the downside that each burning process reads
the file, potentially wasting a lot of I/O bandwidth.

If anyone writes a program which can split stdin to N other programs I'd
like a copy please... (tee can split 2-way by using a named pipe).


Volker Kuhlmann			is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/		Please do not CC list postings to me.

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