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Re: reading cdtext

[some kind of mail problem - trying again]

> As you don't give any useful information,

Why would I make a fool out of myself by sending a detailed bug report
just to find out that cdda2wav wasn't designed to read cdtext info in
the first place...

Besides, the question was what *other* tools can read cdtext (and how
to convert cdtext.dat to .inf), not how to do this with cdda2wav. Do
you even read emails before replying?

> it looks like you are not interested in help but rather like to spread wrong 
> information about cdda2wav.

You could have saved a lot of your time by simply saying "cdda2wav is
supposed to do this, please send full bug report", instead of ranting
for a screenful.

> If you use a CD that carries CD-Text, if you use a CD-ROM drive that is capable
> of reading CD-Text _and_ if you are using a non-broken OS that supports to send 
> SCSI commands correctly, I've never seen cdd2wav to fail reading CD-Text

Great, thanks. Your first bit of useful information in this thread.

> What you are doing here could best be called "herummosern"

Yeaahhhhh right. I said something doesn't work - welcome to computers,
and asked what other tools... see above.


Volker Kuhlmann			is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/		Please do not CC list postings to me.

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