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Cross-compiling for ARM


Trying to cross-compile CDRECORD for ARM.

Getting the same error in all sub directories like

Error is related to libschily.a

The error is 

../libs/athlon-linux-cc/libschily.a(fillbytes.o): In
function `fillbytes':
fillbytes.o(.text+0x34): undefined reference to
../libs/athlon-linux-cc/libschily.a(getargs.o): In
function `doflag':
getargs.o(.text+0x290): undefined reference to
../libs/athlon-linux-cc/libschily.a(getargs.o): In
function `dosflags':
getargs.o(.text+0x8ec): undefined reference to
../libs/athlon-linux-cc/libschily.a(movebytes.o): In
function `movebytes':
movebytes.o(.text+0x34): undefined reference to
movebytes.o(.text+0x154): undefined reference to

Need UR  help,

thank you,

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