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Re: How to burn DVD to multiple drives?


> >  mkisofs ... | tee >(growisofs ... -Z /dev/sr0=/proc/self/fd/0) \
> >              | growisofs ... -Z /dev/sr9=/proc/self/fd/0
> cool. I think that's almost it, only:
> 1.) what if I alreayd have my .iso file ready to go, e.g. /home/any.iso 
> - I assume i use something else instead of the first part "mkisofs ..." 
> - would it be some kind of "dd"? What would be the syntax for that?

dd or cat (the most useful useless command ever).

But you may simply give growisofs the file address as source.
Like in my first proposal :
  growisofs ... -Z /dev/sr0=/home/any.iso &
That would produce the same mess of messages as "tee >(...)".
Therefore i proposed 
  xterm -e 'growisofs ... -Z /dev/sr0=bufferfile ; echo done ; sleep 86400' &
which starts an xterm for each DVD writer process, reports "done" afterwards
and waits at most one day for you to kill the window - after you had a look
at the outcome. After those 86400 seconds, the window kills itself.

> 2.) obviously I am replacing "/dev/srX" above with my appropriate device 
> names... is there anything else above that I may need ot adjust per my 
> distro or configuration?

The "...", of course. :))

My growisofs options for writing via /dev/sr0=/proc/self/fd/0 are
  -use-the-force-luke -dvd-compat 
and eventually 

With mkisofs i use
  -J -joliet-long -l -allow-leading-dots -R -D -graft-points
  -path-list $file_list_address
since i possibly got a lot of file addresses for mkisofs.
Not to forget at least one "pathspec" because with -path-list alone,
mkisofs won't run.

Have a nice day :)


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