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Re: hidden file on an iso-image ?

On 25 Oct, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Helmut Jarausch <jarausch@igpm.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
>> > There are plenty of possibilities to let the size of the
>> > image file be > the size of the du output. One is a broken
>> > du utility or a broken kernel.
>> It's not just the du utility.
>> I have burnt the image to a CD with recent cdrecord and
>> there were no problems.
>> When I mount the CD under Linux (2.4.27) I see some files
>> (exactly those needed to install the software (Maple in this case)
>>  under Linux)
>> But when I access the same CD under Win2000 I see totally 
>> different files (excatly those one needs to install the software
>> under Windows)
> So maybe someone did use mkisofs and -hide-joliet... 
>> So the image size is nearly the sum of the sum of filesizes
>> seen under Linux and Windows.
>> > Did you try isoinfo?
>> Yes, but it didn't help me, here is the
>> output:
>> isoinfo -debug -d -f -J -p -R -s -l -i maple9.51_su_win_mac_linux.iso
>> CD-ROM is in ISO 9660 format
>> System id: LINUX
>> Volume id: MAPLE95
>> Volume set id: 
>> Publisher id: 
>> Data preparer id: 
>> Copyright File id: 
>> Abstract File id: 
>> Bibliographic File id: 
>> Volume set size is: 1
>> Volume set sequence number is: 1
>> Logical block size is: 2048
>> Volume size is: 148416
> So the size is OK (nearly 300 MB).
> YOu could try to run  star -c -onull on the
> mounted FS in order to check whether the du command gives you
> the correct info.

Yes, it gives 115870 kb (the Linux part)
> You also may use "isodebug" to find the command line used to create the image 
> in case the image has been created with a binary compiled from the
> official mkisofs source.

Yes, thanks, that revealed
mkisofs 1.14 -R -J -h -o /wmi/repository/build/m95/Installers/InstallAnywhere/WinLinux_CD/Maple95/../winmaclin.iso \
       -hide-rr-move -hide-joliet Linux -hide-joliet MacOSX -hide-joliet Maple 9.5 Installer.app -hide-joliet \
       installMapleLinuxSU -hide autorun.inf -hide cd.ico -hide MacOSX -hide Maple 9.5 Installer.app -hide Windows \
       -hide-hfs autorun.inf -hide-hfs installMapleLinuxSU -hide-hfs cd.ico -hide-hfs Linux -hide-hfs Windows -V MAPLE95 \
       -uid 0 -gid 0 -v /wmi/repository/build/m95/Installers/InstallAnywhere/WinLinux_CD/Maple95

It remains the question how can one read all files under Linux?


Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

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