Re: Wishes and observations with growisofs-5.19
> > Is there a possibility to have growisofs not reloading the media
> > but only ejecting it after the burn job is done.
> There is a reason why software is called *soft*ware, isn't there? It's
> "soft," because it can be modified to suit our needs.
Haha. I will memorize that for the next occasion in my IT life when
a wish cannot be fulfilled.
I asked because i was not sure wether the reload process wasn't essentially
necessary. I would have been astonished - but that happens from time to time.
> > I want to have it stick out at the end.
> Like -use-the-force-luke=noload or similar?
That would be fine.
Is that a proposal or a hint to an existing option ? My growisofs.c seems
to know: "tty", "dummy" - oh "notray" . That would be dangerous nevertheless
in case my script aborts before it can eject by itself or in case program
eject fails.
"moi", "dao", "tracksize", "seek",
I will experiment with -use-the-force-luke=notray meanwhile but
would prefer to have automatic buffer sanitizing by growisofs
rather that being in charge for that myself.
> Then don't look at it:-):-):-) Just kidding...
It makes ugly noises, too :-(
> ... "Technology abusive," yes, but not "erratic." ...
(although i did not mean "like an error" but "having no fixed or regular
> kernel, as re-load shouldn't be required to invalidate block cache...
It is my opinion that Linux should put more emphasis on the tasks of
burning CDs and DVDs. There should be less erratic moves on the system
side. cdrecord and growisofs should be recognized as important parts
of a Linux system and not as annoying add-ons.
> > A question about setting an end of file mark with reused DVD+RW :
> No. That's the way DVD+RW is. ...
> ... My personal recommentation to use some other way to
> identify end of every particular recording.
Not a big problem. My checksum records contain size information
(they are not stored on the media but on my disk). Affected is
only a special search mode. I will work around that by a new
search mode which ends after the first match is encountered.
> > A slightely misleading message of dvd+rw-format :
> This was fixed in dvd+rw-format 4.8.
Ouch. I used the dvd+rw-format from the SuSE distribution and not
from your 5.19-1 . Sorry.
Have a nice day :)
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