Wishes and observations with growisofs-5.19
Dear Andy,
it is great to have growisofs 5.19 and a DVD+RW writer.
Some remarks after three weeks of DVD+RW burning :
- a wish about final reloading
- a question about setting an end of file mark with DVD+RW
- a slightely misleading message of dvd+rw-format
- a minor bug in the speed report of growisofs 5.19-1 (downloaded june 13)
A wish about final reloading :
Is there a possibility to have growisofs not reloading the media
but only ejecting it after the burn job is done. I understand
that ejecting is necessary to discard invalid buffers. Is it
necessary to put it in again ? I want to have it stick out at
the end.
If i run eject /dev/sr0 after growisofs then the mechanical
behavior looks somewhat erratic : out - in - out
A question about setting an end of file mark with reused DVD+RW :
I am on the quest to find a way how to put a kind of EOF mark
at the end of newly written data. This i do because one of
my verification commands sequentially reads the whole media and
compares it with a list of checksums from all DVDs which i ever
I learned that my DVD writer (/dev/sr0 via ide-scsi) reads
zeros from never written addresses while my DVD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd)
stops at the beginning of the virgin part of the DVD+RW.
Anyway, if i reuse a DVD+RW which once contained a large amount
of data then reading the device file will allways yield at least
this large amount. What size ever the currently stored data may have.
Is there a chance with contemporary DVD-ROM drivers (at least
of Linux) to make them stop sequential reading at the end of the
data which were written during the most recent "single session"
burn job ? I.e. can growisofs talk them into such a stop ?
A slightely misleading message of dvd+rw-format :
Understanding that it would probably not be what i look for,
i tried anyway
dvd+rw-format -lead-out /dev/sr0
and got
* DVD±RW format utility by <appro@fy.chalmers.se>, version 4.7.
:-[ Unit won't start: 23A00 ]
- [mounted media doesn't appear to be DVD±RW]
The tray with the DVD+RW media simply wasn't loaded. Maybe one should
point to that possibility besides the one of having wrong media.
It did not help with the EOF wish, of course.
A minor bug in the speed report of growisofs 5.19-1 (downloaded june 13):
I made growisofs tell me this :
2470510592/4700372992 (52.6%) @3.9x, remaining 6:42
2542796800/4700372992 (54.1%) @15.3x, remaining 6:29
2561310720/4700372992 (54.5%) @3.9x, remaining 6:25
I simply blocked terminal output with Ctrl S, waited a few seconds
watching the DVD writer's blinking, then released output by Ctrl Q
and the next speed measurement was "15.3x".
Overall growisofs works fine for me.
Have a nice day :)
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