Re: Writing DVDs on Sony DRU-500A
I use cdrecord-prodvd-2.01a27-i686-pc-linux-gnu with this drive and
firmware 2.1a and it works perfectly, both as ide-scsi (not tested for a
long time...) and with ide-cd (kernel 2.6.7). I have also good result
with growisofs (all with -R(W) media, not tried + ones... as the only +
media I had wasn't recognized by the drive).
In growisofs there is a nice tool dvd+rw-mediainfo which you could try
for learning if your media is recongized or not.
Last point : on cheap media don't trust the speed as it may result in
unreadable media...
Good luck :-)
Grégoire Favre
________________________________________________________________________ ICQ:16624071
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