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Re: Apple claims "Open Source" trademark

>>>>> "bruce" == bruce  <bruce@hams.com> writes:
>    bruce> Given the amount of contention regarding the trademark, the
>    bruce> easiest thing to do would be to place it in the public
>    bruce> domain and let it die of lost meaning.
>If you read the press release, 
>  http://www.newsalert.com/bin/story?StoryId=CnU3LubWbu0zuvta4o&FQ=Linux&SymH
>you will see towards the bottom:
>  "Open Source is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc."
>Like it or not, but now may be neccessary to come up with some of the
>documents regarding the trademark, how it was handled initially etc.
>Not only for Eric "Shoot Bill, get famous" Raymond, but in actual
>legal confronation with Apple.


Please note the press release now has the correct trademark information.  
Sorry about the confusion.


best regards


      Russell Brady                                             
      Products, Platform & Technology, PR Manager              
      Apple Computer Inc.                                      
      Tel. (408) 974 6877                                       
      Fax. (408) 974 7740                                        
      email: brady2@apple.com                                    
Hello (again)....check out iMac - www.apple.com/imac/     

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