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Bug#1010242: RFS: opengnb/ [ITP] -- via P2P to setup de-centralized layer3 network VPN

Am 26.05.22 um 13:28 schrieb xiao sheng wen(肖盛文):
For murmurhash, you would have to find the original version to really
that it is public-domain. The nginx version has a copyright statement
but I
could find murmurhash v2 implementations that are public domain.
However, I
did not find the nginx version elsewhere quickly.

I use apt source nginx to get the source code in sid, I find the
original version.

I compared the libs/hash/murmurhash.c and

only the function name is different.

This file use BSD-2-clause, it said by nginx d/copyright.

I update the infos for this file:

Files: libs/hash/murmurhash.c
Copyright: Copyright (C) Austin Appleby
License: BSD-2-clause
Comment: original comes from nginx-1.20.2/src/core/ngx_murmurhash.c
  only rename the function name by the upstream author.

introduced this. There is no license info attached to it.

The Debian package most probably just thought it inherits nginx's license.
That might be wrong. Therefore, I suggested to find the original,
which should be some other place than nginx.

has some versions of this hash, and
says "All MurmurHash versions are public domain software, and the author disclaims all copyright to their code."

You can cite that in the comment and mark it public-domain again.

Plus points: File a bug on Debian's nginx pkg which notifies them that
src/core/ngx_murmurhash.c and debian/modules/http-ndk/src/hash/murmurhash2.c
are actually public domain and misrepresented in their d/copyright.

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