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Re: TODO list updated

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> I've updated my TODO list on the web site, and added TODO items for
> apt-pkg as well. If your favorite TODO item isn't on the list let me know,
> if it is, don't let me know 'cuz I already know.
> As you can see, the list is horrifyingly long. ;-) I'll be in shock for a
> while, but then I'll start on it.

    sources.list saving 
- Hmmmm. Well, I donno, it is a tricky subject I guess. 

    Parse "contrib/x11" and return only "x11" as the section. Return
    "contrib" somewhere else (is there a way to access this field now?) 
- Hm, can do, contrib is already available through the Release file which
is parsed and made accessible.

    Fix bug in parser that hangs the package search
- Tonight
    Store and honor Hold flag a la dselect (unless it already does) 
- It does, kinda in some instances. You just can't change it. Hold is
rather a silly idea anyhow, what you want to do is pin that package at a
single version so when you add support for multiple versions 'hold' should
go into that.

    Load/save of cache state should maybe be here rather than in gnome-apt 
- Which state?

    Consider moving package statuses here so we have the same statuses in
    various tools. 
- You mean install/remove/keep/target version? Aren't all those stored in
the DepCache class? Yes I need a function to save/load those things..

    Formatting of Long Description field. Perhaps to an arbitrary number
    of columns, specified by the application. 
- This is what I mentioned earlier, I'd like a bit more sophisticated
handling of this.

    Mark new packages after an update, so people can browse what's just
    appeared on the server. 
- That should go in gnome apt, you don't want to loose the 'new'
selections every time you run apt-get update, only when you load
gnome-apt. What I suggest is that it write a list of all the package names
it knows about to /var/cache/apt/known-packages and then read that list
and mark them off when it loads (simple to do)

- Uhh, yeah..  :>


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